Data-corpus / Script Analysis
The outstanding advantage of the program ScriptCut! is that scripts that are available as PDF or text files are (partially) automatically analyzed. Thus, ScriptCut! splits the text into scenes and rolls, which are assigned to each other.
The basis for this important work step are Screenplay profiles, in which various possible structures of screenplays are given. These include first and foremost the standardization of a scene heading: scene number, location, ambience and time have positions or text markings defined there. In addition, it must be defined by what a role can be recognized in the text (e.g. by capital letters) and which markings are used for the ambience (e.g. INT, EXT) and the time (e.g. MORNING, DAY, EVENING, NIGHT).
Based on this information, the adopted - and at this point still unstructured -
script text is analysed and broken down. As a result you will receive a sequence
of all (recognized) scenes and a list of all (recognized) roles, mutually linked.
This gives you the basis for comfortable working, even with several scripts
The processed Scripts can be exchanged between ScriptCut! users without any problems, just like the profiles, for which there are export and import options. The display in the program interface is independent of the script profile and depends on the selected language (in the basic version German and English, Spanish is planned).