
User Interface

The main window of the program is divided into three areas:

  • menu and toolbar
  • project tree (left)
  • details of the selected element (right).

The project tree can be displayed in different ways:

  • scenes in the order of the story (default)
  • scenes by scene title alphabetically
  • Roles by role name alphabetically (default)
  • Roles by role number

Screenshot of main window, project selected

The most frequently required functions can be accessed by clicking the corresponding button in the toolbar. All other functions (such as Export, Import or selecting language) can be reached via the menu.

A asterisk in the title bar and the active „Save“ button (third from left) indicate that changes have been made to the project that are not yet saved.

The project tree is displayed on the screen sorted by scenes, the roles are listed subsequently. Depending on which element is selected in the project tree further information on this element is displayed in the right-hand area.

In the example, the properties of the project (script) are displayed on the right side. If images are assigned to the project (as in the example), another tab is shown, on which image previews with a title and remarks are displayed. If no images are assigned, this tab is missing.

If a scene is selected in the project tree, the data of the scene are displayed at the right. The roles occurring in the scene are shown subsequently in the project view of the scene and are displayed in the right part as additional tabs labelled in italics.

Images linked to an object (scene, role) are (if available) set to a tab to the right of the object (in the example: FRIEDRICH → images).

Screenshot of main window, Scene selected

In the scene view you can see the scene title and roles of this scene at a glance: either in the project tree (left) or using the tabs (right). The Roles are shown in italics and existing pictures are on a separate tab to the right of the respective object.

The essential properties are also shown here in tabular form and can be easily changed. If title, scene number, ambience or time of day are changed, the heading of the scene text changes automatically (see next section).

Some of the informations can be conveniently changed using selection lists (ambience, time of day). This also ensures that only standardized values can be used. This avoids problems during data exchange.

Please note that the scrollbars on the right only appear here, because the window size was chosen so small — normally you see only the vertical bar, if the main window is not maximized to fill the entire screen.

Below the tabular data and the annotations, scene heading and scene text are displayed. The selected heading is derived from the headings shown in the table.

In the scene text, the roles are highlighted so that at first glance they are recognizable.

The data of the scene and the scene text are normally taken from the script during the screenplay analysis. At the same time the assignment of the roles is done. Additions or corrections can later be made manually.

Screenshot of main window, Scene selected

By highlighting of roles in the scene text you can see all occurring roles (in the example BERTRAM) at first sight.

If you want to change or rewrite the scene text manually (you can use ScriptCut! also to write scripts!), the button with the gear wheels simplifies the assignment or creation of roles: The text is checked (script analysis), known roles are assigned and new ones are created.

You have to complete new roles, of course, to get the desired role properties. See database → role to learn which.

Changes that you have not yet saved are indicated by an asterisk in the window title and at the active „Save“ button in the toolbar. Furthermore, the — otherwise hidden — menu item „Save“ in the „File“ active.

If you select the „Images“ tab of an object (in the example: the scene) the picture preview is displayed. With its help you will gain a quick overview of all linked images and can provide further information about them. (title, comments).

Pictures and titles can be printed on a working document on request, to have all the important information at hand while working on the set.

Screenshot of main window, Scene selected, tab images

If the „Images“ tab is selected (in the example: images associated with the scene), you will see a list of thumbnails, each with title and comment text.

Below the preview image you will see a button with a trashbin, which allows deleting the image. The final removal of the image from the project will only be made when you save all changes.

Click on a thumbnail to view the image in its original size (maximum is the screen size). Of course you can enlarge several pictures, for example, if you want to compare details.

In case of small images (e.g. logos), which are already displayed in full size the preview image is not clickable, because in this case an enlarged view does not bring any profit.

In the project view, the roles are subordinate to the scenes. If in the project tree a role is selected, its data appears in the right part. In addition the scenes are shown there in italics as further tabs.

Images linked to an object (scene, role) are (if available) set to a tab to the right of the object (in the example: FRIEDRICH → pictures).

Screenshot of main window, role seelcted

The roles view provides all important information. The tabs of the scenes are labeled in italics; existing images are on a separate tab on the right next to the respective object.

By clicking on the camera in the toolbar you can assign pictures to the role.

As with the project and the scenes, the properties are stored in tabular shape and can be easily changed.

Changes that you have not yet saved are indicated by an asterisk in the window title and at the active „Save“ button in the toolbar. Furthermore, the — otherwise hidden — menu item „Save“ in the „File“ active.

red colored roll of film
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