To be able to analyze different screenplay text formats, ScriptCut! works with so-called profiles. A profile defines how a scene heading is formatted in the script text and how roles in the text can be recognized. To ensure recognition even in case of spelling mistakes, alternatives can be specified in addition to the standard definition. The use of these profiles has the advantage that similarly formatted screenplay texts can be automatically decomposed once the profile has been created. Ready-made profiles are supplied for common formatting.
During the script analysis
the different profiles are automatically applied to the first pages of the script text.
If a line is found that matches the definition of the scene heading, the location
is displayed and the user is asked whether this profile should be used for further
analysis of the text.
If this question is answered in the negative, the next existing profile is used, and so on.
If no suitable profile was found, a profile must be created yourself using an exemplary scene heading, which is done with a few mouse clicks (see details).
We are expanding the selection options based on user feedback.
In the profile dialog, the settings for automatic recognition of scene headings and roles are made or adjusted:
- Scene title
- Scene number (may be missing, then it will be numbered automatically at first)
- Ambience
- Time of day
- separator between the elements, if necessary
This is done in the following steps:
- transfer an exemplary scene heading into the upper text field (important: exact and complete, if necessary with blanks at the beginning or end of the line!)
- in the order of occurrence for each property:
- selecting position of the property in the scene heading
- select or enter the value of the property
From the elements ScriptCut! creates a template for text comparison. With each change it is automatically checked whether the sample text matches the template. If it matches, the text field is highlighted in light green.
Some profiles for various common screenplay formats are already supplied and can be used immediately. You create new profiles yourself, e.g. by copying and adapting existing ones.
If this seems too difficult for you:
get in touch with us — we will find
a solution! In this way you also help to further improve the features of the program.
Comeing soon: In the next version there will be the function „On the off-chance“ where the most common markups are tried out in the background. This will save you the trouble of defining the profile — if the script is written in a reasonably standard manner.