Dipl.-Ing. Knut Lohse (graduate engineer)noesis IT-Büro
Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 121F
14469 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (331) 2361 8933
Fax: +49 (331) 2361 8937
Despite thorough and regular examination of the information offered on these pages, references to other Internet sites can not be guaranteed permanently and at any time that these refer to the desired contents. If you want to link to on wrong or even illegal contents, we ask for notification, so that the affected references can be removed or corrected immediately. Thanks a lot!
We thank Bundesvereinigung Maskenbild for the suggestions and the technical support during the development of the program.
The make-up artists Stephanie Zorn (profile at IMDb) and Stefanie Gredig (profile at crew united) support us as beta testers, by testing the program already very early on and thus helped to achieve significant improvements in operation and scope of functions to be implemented.
We would also like to thank Mr. Urs O. Bühler ( for his valuable comments on the scope of functions and to script formats.